Frequently asked

Why Chapters?
With Chapters, the publishing process is demystified and streamlined, freeing you to focus on simply sharing your expertise via text or audio. Our editorial team and innovative technology handle all the complexities. Chapters is not just a publisher - we are the custodians of your life's work, ensuring your hard-earned wisdom lives on to inspire generations to come.

Will A Real Human Assist with Editing?
Absolutely!   You will have a dedicated and accomplished editor throughout the process. They will review and edit content to ensure editorial integrity.

When Will My Book Be Completed?
In 90 days or less!
With our AI assist technology and human editor combination, our platform learns your preferred writing style, tone, and vocabulary to ensure  that your content aligns with your authentic self.

How Much Of My Time Is Required?
Our streamlined and iterative approach will necessitate approximately 20 hours of your time.

What About Blog and Social Media Content?
We have you covered here too!  Chapters preserves your unique voice and perspective, seamlessly translating it into a dynamic, ever-expanding library of content that immortalizes your legacy.