Speak Boldly.
Publish Brilliantly.

Chapters turns conversations into compelling manuscripts.  We eliminate the anxieties of writing a book and empower leaders to effortlessly share their wisdom.

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Speak Your Story
We Do The Rest

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    AI technology to transcribe and organize your unique perspective.

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    Our expert editors ensure your wisdom translates into an extraordinary manuscript.

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    Immortalize your personal or professional experiences, knowledge, or stories with our AI Living Library.

Editorial Excellence

Our elite editorial team is comprised of best-selling editors who provide concierge oversight throughout the process. These specialists skillfully leverage the power of AI while simultaneously ensuring editorial integrity and manuscript perfection.

Chapters is what the future of publishing looks like.
Editors - Img
Editors - Img - Responsive

Your Ideas. Your Ownership. Your Legacy.

Cutting-edge encryption protects your personalized AI. Retain full ownership of your intellectual property. Create with confidence—your insights, your rights, always.